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Hair Shape


Use curve to control the thickness of a hair from root to tip, and randomize the thickness of every single hair.





  • If you want to apply 'Use Radius Random' and 'Use Diameter Random', it's recommended to use CyclesHair renderer to display the result properly, otherwise, the result cannot display properly.

  • This function is powered by a new renderer called Cycles Hair which is developed particularly. It's a wrapper of the built-in Cycles renderer, and supports Radius Curve and Diameter Random. The Cycles renderer runs under the hood, so your previous rendered effects are not affected.


  • Use Radius Curve: controls the thickness of hair using curve; Use Diameter Random: Randomize the thickness of every hair. They are disabled by default.

  • If you want to view the real-time effect, you need to set Hair Shape Type to Strip in Render Properties panel, and set 3D Viewport Shading Mode to Material Preview or Rendered.

  • In Cycles Hair renderer, Material Preview is a simplifid Solid Mode, and it's not for previewing materials. In Material Preview, thickness of hair can be displayed in both Object Mode and Particle Edit Mode.

  • If the curve is a complex one, a high Strand Steps is required to display the details properly in Material Preview Mode or Rendered Mode. And a proper value of ‘Render->Path->Steps’ is required to check the final rendered effect.




Use Diameter Random: Used to randomize the thickness of every single hair.


  • Random Seed: Different value generates different result.

  • Start: Range from 0 to 1. This controls the minimum thickness of hair. When this is set to 1, randomness is disabled.

  • Threshold: Range from -1 to 1. This controls the proportion of hair in random thickness. When this is -1, there are only thin hairs; As it is increased, the hair in original thickness will get more. When it is 1, all the hairs will reach their original thickness.

Use Radius Curve: A curve panel willl be displayed when this is enabled, which controls the thickness of hair, and the shape of hair will be completely controlled by the curve. The X axis of the curve maps the positions from the roots of hair to the tips, and the Y axis maps the thickness.



  • When Use Radius Curve is enabled, Strand Shape, Diameter Root and Tip under Hair Shape don't work.

  • The default range of the curve is from 0 to 1, which can be customized by MAX Y.


Case Demonstration